More and more disabled people now identify with a diverse sexual and/or gender identity. Caregivers and service providers see this as an area of increased need...
It’s normal to have questions about sex and to feel uneasy when talking to your parents/caregivers about sex and contraception. However, having an honest discu...
Sexual assault is traumatic and everyone’s response to it is different. Rape is a form of sexual assault. Survivors may feel scared, hurt, exhausted and unsure...
Before racing out to buy condoms and or other forms of birth control; there are a few things you should know.
Becoming aware of birth control:
What is th...
Talking about birth control is nothing to be embarrassed about. The more you know about birth control, the better you can protect yourself against unplanned pr...
What is consent?
Consent is described as permission or an agreement to something. Consent is saying yes and meaning it.Consent is knowing what you are ...
This may surprise you, but your parents, teachers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even your weird neighbour have all had sex at some point in their lives. Re...