What is bullying?
Let’s first determine what bullying is. Bullying is acting in ways that scare or harm others. Often kids who bully will pick on someone who is smaller, weaker, or alone, and this can happen over and over again.
Bullying can take many forms, including:
- Physical harm, such as hitting, shoving, or tripping.
- Emotional harm, such as making fun of the way a child acts, looks, or talks.
- Writing mean things about someone in emails or online or through social media. This is called cyberbullying.

So, what should you do if you are a victim of cyber-bullying?
- DO NOT reply.
- Show the message to an adult you trust and block any more messages from the sender.
- Only accept messages from people you know and trust.
- If you feel unsafe, call 911. Call 911 if you or someone you know is in immediate danger. Bullying Helpline – Call or text 310-1818 or chat online for support, information, or referrals. Find bullying supports here.
- Tell an adult like a parent or teacher what happened.
- If you see someone else being bullied, go get help from a trusted adult right away.
- You might worry that exposing the bully may make them angrier, but this is the only way to stop the problem. The adult/teacher will likely keep your name private.
How to stay safe on the internet.
You don’t have to be bullied to be a victim on the internet. There are other dangers to be aware of so that they do not eventually lead to harm. This includes dangers on your laptop, desktop, iPad, phone, and any other device that connects to the internet.
Here are a few basic guidelines to help keep you safe:
- If a website doesn’t look safe, make sure you stay off.
- Scam website and emails look very clever so be very careful before opening them or engaging with whoever sent them.
- If a random phone number messages you, don’t reply and tell your parents.
- Don’t reply to people you don’t know.
- Never trade personal pictures.
- If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable with anything, talk to an adult you trust.
- Never tell anyone your location.
- Report inappropriate messages to a trusted adult.
- Never give out your phone number, address, your name, or any personal information.
- If something sounds too good to be true, it generally is.
Following these guidelines will help to keep you safer on the internet.