What is stress?

Stress is a biological and psychological phenomenon that happens where we feel unable or unprepared to cope. It is important in normal life as it activates our flight or fight response. This may cause your heart to beat faster, your breathing to be faster, your energy level to spike and an inability to digest food. While our ancestors used these instincts for survival, today these same responses are activated when we are faced with deadlines, giving a presentation, writing an exam or big things like moving homes, money issues, etc.

How do our bodies deal with stress?

Our brains contain a major stress hormone called cortisol which helps cope with stress and helps the body return to its normal state. 

What does drinking alcohol during pregnancy do?

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy leads to abnormal regulation of the hormone levels in the brain and how one may respond to stress. If a woman drinks while pregnant this may alter the coping skills of those born with FASD and may help to explain underlying mental health issues, depression and anxiety. The research shows that an unborn baby that is exposed to alcohol will have experienced changes to the normal stress pathways and how their brain function. This may lead to mental health disorders.

What are some recommendations to help mom and reduce stress on the unborn baby?

  • remove whatever stresses you can
  • knowing proper nutrition is available
  • physical activity
  • mental health support
  • no alcohol while pregnant