The Prevention Conversation
- The Prevention Conversation has trained over 15,000 individuals since 2014 to discuss alcohol and the related risks with all women of childbearing age.
- In addition, over 20,000 people have accessed FASD prevention conversation resources through community development initiatives.
- Those trained have since reported a significant increase in knowledge around FASD and feel they know how to support women who have confirmed drinking while pregnant.
CanFASD’s July 2017 research suggested that 4% of individuals in Canada have FASD, an increase from the previous 1-2%. Although FASD supports and services were in place in Alberta, an effective public prevention strategy was necessary. As a result, the Government of Alberta adult prevention initiative called, “Let’s Talk about Alcohol and Pregnancy” was started to target 18-45-year-old women of childbearing years. But what about the kids? Shortly after, the “Let’s Get Real About Sex and Drinking” was developed to target adolescents between the ages of 12-17 years.
The program has been developed as a train-the trainer model, enabling those that work with adolescent audiences to train their youth and consequently, build capacity.
Resources were developed that include:
- Let’s Get Real Training Manual
- Let’s Get Real Presentation
- Let’s Get Real Game
- Let’s Get Real Website
- Let’s Get Real Instagram and SnapChat
- Tips Sheets
Anyone interested in the resources or training should go to the Contact page to connect with the FASD Network office in their area.
The Let’s Get Real project is in partnership with the Government of Alberta.